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The Beginning: Because as Coaches we ask a lot of our student athletes!

 Like many high school coaches I was in search of a new and creative way to recognize my Seniors during their final home of their high school careers, traditionally called "senior night".  It took me 12 years of coaching varsity basketball before the idea hit me.   I used my graphic design experience and graphically replicated our uniform, added player names and  printed, mounted and framed the jersey prints.  The day of the game I had all of the coaches and players sign the backs of the mounting board and we presented them to the seniors on their special night.  The feedback from my guys was so wonderful that was born.  I am proud to say that these framed jersey prints now decorate rooms and dorm walls all over the country.

  Keep up the great work Coaches!


  Coach Don Loperena

  Varsity Basketball 1998-Present


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(818) 875-1439

©2020 Print My Jersey

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